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I'm sorry, but this is probably the most blunt attempt I've seen trying to address this subject matter. It shows no understanding of how people have rationalized progressive thinking in their own minds. It makes things very two dimensional. I really don't want to make a video about this because I couldn't be very kind. I understand the well meaning intentions here, so I'd prefer to not say anything else.

this is probably the most blunt attempt I've seen trying to address this subject matter.

"Most blunt". I feel like that could be a compliment. XD 

It shows no understanding of how people have rationalized progressive thinking in their own minds.

Likely true. I may not even have any idea about that. XD 

I really don't want to make a video about this because I couldn't be very kind.

I don't mind well-intentioned unkindness. So feel free to let yourself loose at it. And perhaps even educate me on how you believe, the infected individuals rationalize things in their own mind.

It could help me add more content to the game, should I ever decide to come back to this.

Oh and, thank you so much for playing Edmund! And for your kind words and review. 


It's been a while, hasn't it?

My playthrough went on a bit long, so I had to chop it up, but here's part 1.
(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Here's my playthrough of your game Sigma!

Overall it was okay. You're quite a good mapper and artist despite using alot of RTP assets, it's got a cool vibe to it! I mostly agree with Brancliff however with the negative, aside from the fact NPCs were kinda flat, they were basically paper cutouts of SJWs, it would've been nice if they were actual people instead of one dimensional stereotypes and talking points. It felt very unnatural, like it wasn't a real place. Also it was weird how the MC always brought up wanting to bang your self insert (lol I had trouble with one of my past games being too horny as well.)

Otherwise, I had fun. Good job!


This is a brilliant game with a brilliant idea and 'general complaint and opinions'. I don't want to enter into politics (because there are some things here that I don't really know about even if I am a gamer too and they affect me), but I want to say that putting the 'beatdown fighting style' tutorial just after the 'computer game testing' battle seems bad, because the testing battle is really hard without this knowledge.

Awesome game Sigma!


This is a game about a wife who goes undercover to rescue her husband who's being held hostage because it's crunch time. Poor guy.

I don't normally play SigmaSuccour games but I'm pretty jaded with the modern games industry so I just had to get this one. I liked it. I think I'd actually give this one a 4/5 but I'll round up because anything with the SigmaSuccour name attached to it will get dogpiled. |: If you're wondering about the 4/5, here are the things I'll knock it for:

  • With a name like that, you're probably only going to play the game if you already feel pretty strongly about "GamerGate 2". So the point that the game is trying to make (which I'm for, by the way) is already kind of lost by the time you start downloading it
  • The combat tutorial doesn't appear until you're in the sewer, but at this point, you may have already had to get into fights while testing the studio's games. Because of this, I didn't know that you're supposed to time pressing Z instead of just mashing it - leading me to losing over and over again while testing the second game.
  • Sigma does not know how to write women. |: The main character I mean, not the office workers. I'm sorry, I know it's a bit soul-crushing to have one of your reviewers roast you for your marital status, but it's pretty awkward writing here
  • Which is also doubly troubling that he's used as the self-insert for the husband character. This means that at some point, he had to sit down and create a fictional wife for himself to repeatedly hit on him. oAo
  • Also, I'm not going to play the other False [Thing] games, but isn't that a pretty big reveal, that all this time he's had a thirsty wife? How does this change the lore of the games before this one and moving forward? also succour is cuter just saying
  • A bit of a missed opportunity - at the end of the game, when all of the developers are turned into plant monsters... Why plant monsters? I mean, I get it, as another RPGM user, it's one of the default assets. But I think it would have made for better symbolism if they turned into giant baby monsters, or maybe monstrosities from the character designer that was forced to mangle them for diversity / sensitivity purposes
  • Pacing: It's not that the game is too long or anything but when you first talk get into the office and start talking to the other developers, the setups for the arguments being made are REALLY long. Like, the setup to the complaint about how the characters all have to be made ugly now or that consultancy agencies are ruining the writing- you're able to make these same arguments in far less text, and I think you should because if it goes on for too long, it's easy to lose people. I talked to everyone so I got kind of impatient halfway through - I think the time I spent in the first room (talking to developers and testing some of their games) was, like, 75% of my playthrough time.